Für das beliebte Spiel GTA: San Andreas ist nun der erste Patch erschienen, welcher zahlreiche Fehler beseitigt. Unter anderem sollen die nervigen Soundfehler nun behoben sein. Ob das so ist, kann unser Member „default“ eventuell dann bestätigen, da er davon betroffen ist soweit ich weiß 🙂 Das Changelog findet ihr unter „mehr“
GTA:San Andreas Patch 1.01 Deutsche Version
GTA:San Andreas Patch 1.01 US Version
GTA:San Andreas Patch 1.01 Europäische/Australische Version
* Added support for 720p and 1080i HDTV resolutions (may also do 1080p, not sure)
* Version Number displayed on game title screen
* Issue fixed on machines where the OS has been updated (one OS installed over top of another) and has 2 registry keys that point to the users „My Documents“ folder (we incorrectly used to assume the Win2000 folder, now correctly uses the last installed OS
* Crash when entering advanced display options with only 32 meg of video ram (32 meg of video ram is not supported and will only allow use of 640*480 in 16 and 32 bit
* Crash when entering advanced display options on a dual monitor machine after
* Destroyed cars now are correct colour
* Dirty cars now able to get clean
* Numpad 5 key is now mappable when re-defining controls
* Issue on all machines where certain collisions caused parts of the audio system to crash (sound effects, cutscene audio – only radio keeps going) – users know this as „Rain / Thunderstorm bug“
* Improvements to DVD streaming
* Audio problems in interior / exterior transitions and getting in / out of cars fixed
* Some fixes to ensure reverb is not present at certain save points
* Improvements to dance game timings
* Crash occuring when using „user radio files“ while the frame limiter is disabled