Der zweite offizielle Patch ist da!

Langsam nimmt das Spiel formen an. Epic bindet in den aktuellen Patch zu UT2003
die Demofunktion ein, die allerdings schon in diversen Betapatches integriert war.
Weitere Funktionen des aktuellen Patches:
·Client side demo recording!
·Fixed demo spectating allowing you to switch between all players.
·friendly fire kills affect team scores
·made players a little brighter
·don’t spam „you are ready/not ready“ messages to console before game starts
·support longer playernames on scoreboard/HUD
·more minigun ammo
·improved texture precaching, removing a few early hitches
·scaled weapon and powerup pickups down some to match player size better
·if weapons are invisible, firing is centered
·added in-game personal stats (bound to F3)
·Mouse acceleration threshold now in the menus
·Add name of weapon you are switching to to hud
·Added color codes to text messages
·improved client ping measurement
·fixed bug where lost ability to fire

Der 12,39mb große Patch ist hier downzuloaden