PHP 5.0.1 released

Gestern wurde PHP 5.0.1 zum Download bereitgestellt. Diese Version beinhaltet Bug Fixes und neue Windows und Unix Installations Dokumente, welche jetzt automatisch aus dem PHP Manual generiert werden.
In absehbarer Zeit werden auch wir unseren Server auf die 5er Version updaten und euch eine ausgebaute, polierte und PHP5 optimierte WoH Page zur Verfügung stellen 🙂
Das Changelog wie immer unter „mehr“.

# Changed destructor mechanism so that destructors are called prior to request shutdown. (Marcus)
# Rewritten UNIX and Windows install help files. (Documentation Team)
# Updated several libraries bundled with the windows release which now includes libxml2-2.6.11, libxslt-1.1.7 and iconv-1.9.1. (Rob, Edin)
# Improved and moved ActiveScript SAPI to PECL. (Wez)
# Fixed unloading of dynamically loaded extensions. (Marcus, kameshj at fastmail dot fm)
# Fixed ReflectionClass::getMethod() and ReflectionClass::getProperty() to raise an ReflectionException instead of returning NULL on failure. (Sebastian)
# Fixed convert.* filters to consume remaining buckets_in on flush. (Sara)
# Fixed bug in mysqli->client_version. (Georg)
# Fixed bug #29606 (php_strip_whitespace() prints to stdout rather then returning the value). (Ilia)
# Fixed bug #29577 (MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS undefined) (Georg)
# Fixed bug #29573 (Segmentation fault, when exception thrown within PHP function called from XSLT). (Christian)
# Fixed bug #29522 (accessing properties without connection) (Georg)
# Fixed bug #29505 (get_class_vars() severely broken when used with arrays). (Marcus)
# Fixed bug #29490 (.Net object instantiation failed). (Michael Sisolak).
# Fixed bug #29474 (win32: usleep() doesn’t work). (Wez)
# Fixed bug #29449 (win32: feof() hangs on empty tcp stream). (Wez)
# Fixed bug #29437 (Possible crash inside array_walk_recursive()). (Ilia)
# Fixed bug #29431 (crash when parsing invalid address; invalid address returned by stream_socket_recvfrom(), stream_socket_getname()). (Wez)
# Fixed bug #29409 (Segfault in PHP functions called from XSLT). (Rob)
# Fixed bug #29395 (sqlite_escape_string() returns bogus data on empty strings). (Ilia, Tony)
# Fixed bug #29392 (com_dotnet crashes when echo’ing an object). (Wez)
# Fixed bug #29368 (The destructor is called when an exception is thrown from the constructor). (Marcus)
# Fixed bug #29354 (Exception constructor marked as both public and protected). (Marcus)
# Fixed bug #29342 (strtotime() does not handle empty date string properly). (Ilia)
# Fixed bug #29340 (win32 build produces invalid php_ifx.dll). (Edin)
# Fixed bug #29335 (fetch functions now use MYSQLI_BOTH as default) (Georg)
# Fixed bug #29291 (get_class_vars() return names with NULLs). (Marcus)
# Fixed bug #29264 (gettext extension not working). (Edin)
# Fixed bug #29258 (variant_date_from_timestamp() does not honour timezone). (Wez)
# Fixed bug #29256 (error when sending large packets on a socket). (Dmitry)
# Fixed bug #29236 (memory error when wsdl-cache is enabled). (Dmitry)
# Fixed bug #29147 (Compile Error in mnoGoSearch functions). (Sergey, Antony)
# Fixed bug #29132 ($_SERVER[„PHP_AUTH_USER“] isn’t defined). (Stefan)
# Fixed bug #29119 (html_entity_decode() misbehaves with UTF-8). (Moriyoshi)
# Fixed bug #29109 (SoapFault exception: [WSDL] Out of memory). (Dmitry)
# Fixed bug #29061 (soap extension segfaults). (Dmitry)
# Fixed bug #28985 (__getTypes() returning nothing on complex WSDL). (Dmitry)
# Fixed bug #28969 (Wrong data encoding of special characters). (Dmitry)
# Fixed bug #28895 (ReflectionClass::isAbstract always returns false). (Marcus)
# Fixed bug #28829 (Thread-unsafety in bcmath elementary values). (Sara)
# Fixed bug #28464 (catch() does not catch exceptions by interfaces). (Marcus)