publizierte heute den ersten Artikel aus ihrer 4 teiligen „History of Unreal“-Serie. In den Attached Thumbnails beispielsweise, findet man einen Screenshot, der die Entwicklung Deck16s zeigt. Ich denke „HoU“ ist für jeden Unreal Nostalgiker
ein lesenswerter Artikel:
Everyone reading this article, I’m sure, has some ties to Unreal in some way or another. Some of us joined in later, after the releases of UT2003 or UT2004. Some of us joined during the glory days of the original UT, and even some of us still joined the community in the beginning, May 22nd, 1998. The release of the original Unreal game was certainly the shocker of the late 1990’s. id Software, the creators of Wolfenstein 3D and the Doom and Quake series, had, until that day, been hailed as the rulers of first-person shooters. Here you may find the press release that rocked the world of First-Person Shooters and gaming as a whole
History of Unreal