mywoh: Quake Wars Artikel

id Software und Activision kündigten Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, einen taktischen, klassenbasierenden Mutliplayer-Shooter an, an welchem Splash Damage seit der Veröffentlichung RTCW:Enemy Territorys arbeitet. Gefeiert hat Quake Wars sein Debüt auf der E3, die uns zahlreiche Informationen über das Spiel, Screenshots und auch einen Trailer einbrachte. Nun ist auf ein Artikel in deutscher Sprache zu diesem Thema veröffentlicht worden.

Preview: Quake 4 auf

Eine Nachfassung eines Artikels auf birgt zwar keine neuen Informationen zu Quake4, doch hinterlässt einen besseren Eindruck zu dem Spiel, als die meisten anderen Previews (außer: ) 🙂

[…] Quake 4 uses the Doom 3 engine to beautify all of the killing for you, and, frankly, the first five or 10 minutes of the demo that id was showing at the Activision booth looked a bit too much like Doom 3 for some of the folks I watched it with, featuring lots of dark corridors and flashing lights and ugly monsters. Had I been in charge of putting together this demo, I would have started with the second segment they showed — the „stroggification“ of the game’s main character, which is as creepy of a cutscene as I’ve seen in a long time, and which elicited audible laughs and groans from the demo audience. Finally, the demo finished with a brief look at some of the multiplayer vehicular combat, which looks good if not overly original, at this point in time.

All of which is to say, as Douglas Adams once said: Don’t panic. Quake 4 looked a lot better to me in person at Raven’s office than it did at this brief demo, where it was just impossible to see the kind of thought and detail going into the game. You may remain skeptical now if you like, but I’m still on board.

Q4 PC Preview from

Happy Birthday Unreal

Gestern am 22.05.2005 hat Unreal seinen 7. Geburtstag gefeiert. Anscheinend hat Epic den Jahrestag vergessen, bzw ignoriert ihn, um das schlechte Gewissen über die letzten Nachfolger zu meiden. 😉
Doch genug, Happy Birthday Unreal =)

Unreal Engine 3 Artikel präsentiert seinen Lesern einen Artikel über die Technologie, die hinter Titeln wie Unreal Tournament 2007, Gears of War und weiteren spielen, steckt.

This not a preview for Unreal Tournament 2007 or for Epic’s new title Gears of War. There are plenty of previews out there that show off the gameplay, and they both certainly look very impressive. On top of these, Epic decided to separately show off the incredible new technology going into the engine behind their new games (and what I’m sure will be countless other games over the next five or more years). What this preview covers is the Unreal Engine 3, which represents the largest single change to Epic’s flagship game engine since they started licensing it out years and years ago.

UEngine3 Artikel

Duke Nukem Forever ;-)

3D Realms gibt neue Infos rund um Duke Nukem Forever an. Im 3D Realms Forum wurden Fragen einiger User von George Broussard (3D Realms) beantwortet. Laut sucht man aber vergeblich nach wirklich interessanten Neuigkeiten. Allerdings wurde bekannt, dass das Spiel intern auf 9800 Pro- und 6800GT-Grafikkarten läuft.

„Des Weiteren bestätigte George, dass der Spielverlauf in Levels unterteilt ist und aktuell bereits 15 verschiedene Gegner eingebaut wurden. Auch auf die legendären Bosskämpfe müssen Sie im fertigen Spiel nicht verzichten.“

Quake 4 Preview

Ein weiteres kleines Preview zu Quake4 findet man die Tage auf Im Artikel wird grob die Geschichte hinter Q4 angeschnitten.

In all, Quake IV looks like it may be the first great game using the Doom3 engine. It looks like it has a good single player game that does not limit the player to cramped, dark corridors. It also appears to have squad mates to back you up in fire fights and craft you can pilot as you try to bring the Strogg menace to its knees. Still not convinced Quake IV is doing it right? Then make your decision based on this final bit of info: the assault rife has a flash light in the stock that can be used without switching out the weapon.

Quake 4 Hands-on Preview

UT2007 Interview

Beyondunreal hat einen Schützling zur E3 geschickt, auf welcher Steve Polge, seines Zeichens Programmierer bei Epic und Lead Designer von UT2007, sich zum Interview stellte:

BeyondUnreal: What specific changes have been made to dodging and movement? Are wall kicks or dodge-jumps going to be removed?

Steve Polge: All the movement abilities from UT2004 are still there. So you’ve got double-jump, you still have dodge-jump: The biggest thing we’ve done is fine tuning and tweaking the existing movement to get it exactly how we want. We’ll be in the hallway after a play session arguing about whether the jump higher should be 4 units heigher or whatever. But the biggest change is really that we’ve increased the feel of gravity. And that makes the world feel a little more solid and less floaty. What it ends up doing is, while you still have all those movements, they’re not quite as dramatic. You’re not feeling like you’re floating through the air. What we’re trying to do in our play sessions is perfect the combat. We also do a lot of play sessions of UT and UT2004 and kind of compare where we’re going and if we’re happy with the changes we’re making. You still have all those things a good player can take advantage of. By reducing the amplitude of the dodgeing movements, the fighting is more controlled in a way that allows the it to be more „in your face,“ closer and more personal, and that’s really one of the things we’re going for.

BeyondUnreal: Will that have a secondary shield function on it like we saw in UT2004?

Steve Polge: It won’t have a shield function, but it will have some kind of secondary function that, ah, and we’re still trying to figure that out, whether it’s a deflection kind of thing like we had in the original UT, or we’ve had some other ideas that haven’t been finalized. We won’t have any melee weapons like UC2, really we look at those as kind of different branches of the Unreal family. With UC2 we wanted more of a console friendly, fighter/shooter combo, but this game is more traditional deathmatch with of course, the addition of vehicles.

Steve Polge: We’re going back to the impact hammer. (Steve smiles deviously, again) Interview Quake 4 Artikel

Es fällt schwer bei der Flut an Previews, die uns dank der E3 erreichte, noch den Überblick über die Informationen zu Quake IV zu behalten. Ein neuer Artikel soll dazu dienen, nochmal alle bekannten Fakten zusammenzutragen und mit einigen Gerüchten aufzuräumen. Weiter wird mehr auf den Multiplayer Part eingegangen, auf den wohl die Meisten ihre Aufmerksamkeit fokussieren.

Quake 2 -> Quake 4 hat nun auch einen Artikel zu Quake IV verfasst. Der Verfasser nennt sich selbst einen Quake 2 Fan und nun lauscht seinen Worten:

A few years ago, id announced that its long time collaborator Raven Software was going to co-develop Quake IV but it’s only recently that some details on the game have been revealed. At E3 2005 this week I got a behind-closed doors look at their demo build of Quake IV and simply put it’s taking me back to those good old days of….er, 1997.

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