Weiteres UT2007 Preview

Worthplaying.com bringt einen neuen Artikel zu Unreal Tournament 2007, dessen Ingame Video und vor allem der Sonycon Trailer, für Furore sorgte.

Essentially, Unreal Tournament 2007 is the same title everyone knows and loves in terms of its fast-paced, visceral gameplay, only with a gigantic facelift and enough new features to really warrant itself as a true successor to the franchise name. The new Conquest mode looks to be a fairly interesting and exciting mode of play due to its objective-based and yet non-linear nature, while the new Survival mode looks to draw some of the more hardcore players who enjoy playing and watching matches of head-to-head skill. Mod authors shouldn’t have too hard a time learning the ropes of the new engine and will undoubtedly appreciate the flexibility and creativity that the new scripting language allows for. Look for more information on Unreal Tournament 2007 as it nears its ship date.

WP:UT2007 Preview