DivX – Neue Version 5.03

Nach langer Wartezeit wurde heute Nacht die Version 5.03 des DivX Codecs veröffentlicht.

Auf DivX.com kann man sich 2 kostenlose Versionen herunterladen. Einmal die normale Version und einmal die Proversion.

Folgende Neuerungen sind hinzugekommen:


Support for interlaced video in the decoder. Preserving the interlaced fields of interlaced video may sometimes result in better video quality during playback.
New de-ringing post-processing algorithm. The new algorithm improves the perceived video quality during playback. It is activated when the post-processing level is set to Level 6.
Video Buffer Verifier (VBV) model (one and two pass encoding). The VBV ensures that the maximum peak bit rate never exceeds either the user’s inputted „maximum peak“ bit rate value or/and ensures that the encoded stream never violates the buffer of an MPEG-4 compliant decoder. This helps to prevent decoding failure in both hardware and software where memory may be limited yet compliant to the MPEG-4 standard as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-2:2001(E). In order for DivX video to be successfully delivered over a restricted channel in real time to a decoder, the encoder’s rate control must ensure that the decoder’s buffer is not violated. When this is done properly, then overflow and underflow will never occur and the encoder is said to be „VBV compliant.“ It makes no difference whether the video is encoded in 1-pass or many, in real-time or offline. It is the encoder’s rate control that must ensure compliance. There are three main requirements of a VBV-compliant rate control algorithm, in order of importance:

1. VBV compliance. When VBV parameters are specified (size, initial occupancy, channel characteristics) the rate control should avoid producing video that is in danger of violating the decoder’s buffer. Bitstream stuffing may be used in extreme cases to prevent overflow in true CBR systems. Underflow must be prevented by increasing frame quantiser or by dropping frames.
2. Target bitrate. We aim to meet the user’s requirements as accurately as possible here. This is directly related to filesize.
3. Good-looking video. Rate control should aim to produce the subjectively best quality video given other constraints. Consistency is important here as changes in quality are very noticeable and video is often judged by the worse quality segment in the whole sequence.

Nth Pass™ encoding. Another new addition to the rate control arsenal, Nth Pass™ encoding takes advantage of information available from previous analysis (or analyses) of the video sequence. Nth Pass encoding uses information garnered from previous passes through the video sequence, which can improve quality with each pass. There are four main steps to Nth Pass encoding:

1. Analysis (the first pass)
2. Map generation (where the results of analyses are processed)
3. Strategy generation (strategist examines map of the video sequence and creates a strategy that will best achieve the three VBV RC requirements)
4. In-loop nth pass rate control (uses information from the map and strategy to effect rate control that best fulfills the three requirements)

Support for DivX Certified Profiles. With the new DivX Certification program, DivXNetworks is enabling third parties to create „DivX Certified“ products that are rigorously tested and fully compatible with the entire suite of DivX® video technologies. There are four levels of official DivX Certified video products: Handheld Video Devices, Portable Video Devices, Home Theater Video Devices and High Definition Video Devices. These levels quickly and clearly communicate what type and size of DivX video are supported on the certified device. Now, when you encode video, you have the option to force your video to comply with one of the DivX Certified Profiles to ensure that your video will play back properly on certified products.
DivX Decoder verification logo. There is a new semi-transparent DivX Logo that will appear by default for a few seconds any time you use the DivX decoder to watch a DivX video. This instantly lets you know you’re watching a true DivX® video. You can turn the display of the logo on or off in the codec properties dialog.
New internal application programming interface (API). The internal API of the codec was changed to better accommodate integration with third party partners. This only affects you if you are a DivX licensee and are working directly with the DivX object code. The external API (e.g., DirectShow, etc.) remains unchanged.


The motion estimation algorithm is better optimized for High Definition resolutions (up to 1080p, or 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution
The pre-processing performance is now improved with with the IYUY 4:2:0 color space


Removed MP4creator and the MPEG-4 file output option due to some compliance issues. This will return in our next release once these issues are resolved.
Removed the Intelligent IVTC functionality due to persistent problems caused by lack of variable frame rate file format support. This technology will be back soon in a new form…
Changed the block skipping threshold for high quantizers, which improves visual quality when high quantizers are used.


Fixed a bunch of little cosmetic bugs in the DirectShow decoder properties page.
Fixed a bug where the last P frame before an I frame was not displayed when Smooth Playback was selected.
Fixed a practically unnoticeable YUV->RGB16 color conversion rounding bug.
Fixed a bug that was the cause of some of VirtualDub’s „Cannot Start Video Compression“ errors.
Fixed a few issues with DivX 3.11 compatibility.
Modified the decoder to deal with a bug in the old OpenDivX encoder that set the scalability bit incorrectly in certain cases. The DivX decoder can now detect this problem and play the content properly.
Fixed a problem where some rounding operations were not done toward zero, as is required by section 7.4 of the spec. This fixed an intra case in MPEG-2 inverse quantization.
Fixed a bug where some frames would be corrupted by an out-of-range error.
Fixed several rounding issues related to MMX/SSE/SSE2 optimizations.
Fixed an MMX bug in RGB32 color conversion.

Freelancer – Jetzt zur Sneak-Preview eintragen

Microsoft verlost in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fanseite Lancers Reactor 30 Preview-CDs des langerwarteten Weltraumspiels ‚Freelancer‘. Jetzt stehen die Formulare zur Teilnahme an der Verlosung online.
Bis zum kommenden Montag können sich interessierte Spieler aus aller Welt auf beiden Seiten für die Sneak-Preview einschreiben.
Jeweils 15 glückliche Gewinner werden nach dem Zufallsprinzip ausgewählt. Neben Namen und E-Mail-Adresse werden auch Adress- und Telefondaten gefordert.
Dabei ist festzuhalten, dass nur vollständig ausgefüllte Formulare akzeptiert werden.


Offizielle Seite zu Freelancer
Offizielle Seite von Microsoft
Offizielle Seite von Digital Anvil
Zu Lancers Reactor
Zum Anmeldeformular auf der offiziellen Seite

Pageupdate die 2te.

Da wir im Moment an einem etwas größerem Pageupdate arbeiten musten wir einige funktionen zurücksetzen.Jedoch dürft ihr euch auf einige spektakuläre Neuerungen freuen =)
Um was es sich genau handelt wird noch nicht verraten.
Ich denke das in etwa 2-3 Tagen das Update komplett über die Bühne gelaufen ist.

Northcon Lan Berichte

Ich habe mir mal die Mühe gemacht und hab das Wochenende in Neu Münster mal etwas genauer zusammengefasst.
Benes Lanbericht ist nun auch online =)
Mehr dazu findet man unter Articles / Northcon Lanbericht.

oder man folgt den folgenden Links:
Smokes Lanbericht
Bens Lanbericht

Viel spass beim Lesen. 🙂

Danger is back

Nach einer langen Zwangspause freuen wir uns das Danger wieder zurück ist.Auch wenn er nur mit ISDN unterwegs ist so wird er unser UT2003 Team tatkräftig unterstützten.
Die erste Vorstellung werden wir mit ihm auf der am Freitag anlaufenden Northern Lan Convention (Northcon) geben.


Insgesamt wird %WoH% mit folgenden Spielern an der Lan teilnehmen:

Bene, Smo, Danger, Nemesis, Locu, Giant und Scarface.

Dabei nehmen wir folgende Turniere in Angriff:

UT2003 1on1
UT2003 4on4
UT 2on2
Quake 3 cpma 2on2
Warcraft 3 1on1

DBZ Mod mit neuen Bildern

Auf der Homepage der heiß erwartetem DragonBallZ Mod finden sich neue Pics, die das warten für DBZ Fans weiterhin auf eine harte Probe stellen.
Das Team um SSJ3Goku hat bekannt gegeben das sie hoffen eine lauffähige Version noch vor Jahreswechsel unter die Leute zu bringen zu können.

We’re not dead, we arent evne close to being it!, were working hard on the first major internal release (IR) and we hope to get it ready before the new year starts!

desweiteren könnt ihr euch schonmal die neuesten Bilder anschauen die auf der Homepage zu sehen sind.

Insgesamt sind es 4 Stück.

Pic1: Vegeta EnergieBall
Pic2: Vegeta Final Flash?
Pic3: Vegeta Fire Balls
Pic4: Vegeta Big Bang Attack ?

Wir alle können nur hoffen das der Mod schnellstmöglich fertig gestellt wird.

Heute ist der neue Betapatch 2154 für Unreal Tournament 2003 erschienen.
Der Patch ist der Vorläufer von dem in einer Woche erscheinenden offiziellen Patch.
Der Patch behebt lediglich wenige Bugs.
Und das Problem mit den Servern besteht weiterhin das wenn auf dem Server der ältere Patch installiert ist das man nicht spielen kann.
Dies wird wohl erst in ca. 1 Woche behoben sein wenn die Finale Version 2155 raus gekommen ist.

Wie lange es noch dauert, bis Clientside Demo recording erscheint, ist noch unklar jedoch ist DrSiN dabei dies zu testen.

Client-side recording is coming. Right now we are just testing and pounding on the guts to make sure everything works.

Den Betapatch 2154 könnt ihr hier herunterladen.

VIA“s neueste 4in1 Treiber


Seit dem heutigen Morgen gibt es auch der Webseite von VIA neue 4in1 Treiber zu bestaunen. Diese speziell für die Chipsätze KT400 und P4X400 optimierten Treiber versprechen Leistungsschübe wie man sie sonst nur selten durch das aktualisieren von Treibern erlebt.

Auf der anderen Seite sind die Diagramme die auf der Seite zur Veranschaulichung verwendet werden auch recht geschickt gewählt.

Die Treiber sind auch für ältere Chipsätze geeignet man muss also nicht zur Vorgängerversion 4.43, zurückgreifen.


VIA Hyperion 4in1 v4.45

Soeben ist ein neuer Patch erschienen der viele neuerungen und auch teilweise Demorec mit sich führt.Folgende neuerungen gibt es:

– friendly fire kills affect team scores
– made players a little brighter
– allow weapon throwing with weapon stay on (but can’t pick up thrown weapon if already have that weapon), plus added configurable gameinfo property bAllowWeaponThrowing (default
– don’t spam „you are ready/not ready“ messages to console before game starts
– fixed FFA DM overtime end conditions
– Ability to have custom announcer voices. Make a new announcer voice pack (with the same sound names as the original AnnounceMain.uax), named NewPackName.uax (where NewPackName = whatever you want to call it), and put it in the ut2003sounds directory. Then, in the User.ini file (in the UT2003system directory) change: [UnrealGame.UnrealPlayer] CustomizedAnnouncerPack=“NewPackName“
– fixed strafe toggle
– support longer playernames on scoreboard/HUD
– show FPH in scoreboard
– fixed flags sitting on ground in CTF-Citadel
– more minigun ammo
– really fixed 4 rocket bug
– Fixed DM-TokaraForest flags showing up
– fixed CTF-LostFaith KillZ
– spectating maintains view – when a player dies it continues to view the player when they respawn.
– improved texture precaching, removing a few early hitches
– moved arena mutator config and maplists from user.ini to ut2003.ini
– update .ini files without overwriting them! (except for settings added or changed since we shipped)
– fixed bug when had more than 16 bots total on custom teams
– improved translocation (less failures)
– link alt no blood
– don’t lose adrenaline if switch teams to team with less players
– added Gameinfo property bAllowBehindView, server option allows behindview in net games if true (default false)
– made lightning gun recharge match up better recharge finish (it was playing too long)
– reduced delays between allowed voice messages
– scaled weapon and powerup pickups down some to match player size better
– spectators can go through doors/movers
– fixed catching weapons in mid air
– added DropFlag command
– adjusted distance fog in some levels to make them look crisper/higher contrast
– if weapons are invisible, firing is centered
– added PipedSwitchWeapon exec function, to allow you to bind to weapons to a single key by editing your user.ini, e.g. „e=switchweapon 5 | switchweapon 7“ allows you to switch to and between the linkgun and the flakcannon.

– added in-game personal stats (bound to F3)
– Added Server Info which includes MOTD and Rules (bound to F2)
– Added In-Game Chat Client (Similar to IRC)
– made team section of HUD scaleable
– Mouse acceleration threshold now in the menus
– FOV settings 80 to 100 in menu
– Press f10 to cancel added to connect message
– „Blob shadows“ option added to menus
– Change „corrupted connection detected“ to „incompatible game files“
– Add name of weapon you are switching to to hud
– Fixed DisplayProgressMessages to only show MOTD once
– Added color codes to text messages
– Fixed MOTD to be able to handle more than 4 lines
– Add up/down key history to IRC input
– Allow double-clicking ‚unreal://‘ and ‚http://‘ URLs in IRC chat.
– Add colour to IRC (nicknames, join/leave messages, links etc.).
– Ctrl-C in server browser copies selected server URL
– Extra game-type tabs created automatically for installed game types (from .int file).
– Add extra fields to server browser filter – ‚dont want this mutator‘, translocator, weaponstay.
– fixed blue team preference not being saved
– added configurable HUD option to not display enemy names under your crosshair HUDbDeathMatch.bNoEnemyNames

– fixed bot aiming link shaft at crouched opponent
– BR AI improvements
– CTF AI improvements
– improved skyline bot AI
– improved bot use of ion cannon

– make sure ClientNetSpeed can’t get set to 0
– improved client ping measurement
– fixed client location synchronization problem that could happen when you fell out of a crouching height only area
– fixed bug where lost ability to fire
– fixed weapon idle animations on net clients
– fixed GetLocalPlayerController() on net clients
– fixed BR-Skyline airship in netplay
– improved smoothness for high ping clients
– fixed minplayers+stats coexistence
– admins can pause net games
– fixed combo effects showing up in net games
– *really* fixed redeemer firing bug
– Fixed bug that caused garbage collection not to occur between level changes
– Gamestats class is now configurable via ini
– Security actor is now configurable via ini
– Add ClientReplaceMenu in Playercontroller
– Added Admin command NextMap
– Applied fix for bug where some string checking in Web admin failed
– Fix bug in Web admin that causes „WebAdmin:“ to appear twice
– Added security level checks to web admin’s ServerChangeMap
– Applied fix for linux Web Admin regard hard-coded IP addresses
– Applied fix for Admin kicking via XAdmin
– Closed security hole where admins could look/set security info
– reduced ConnectionTimeout to 15 seconds
– allow players to enter as spectators in games with maxlives>0 that have already started
– replicate weapon reload sounds
– allow admins and spectators to use behindview

Mod support:
– added ModifyVelocity() event to Pawn, to allow mods to modify physics behavior – its called by the physics code after the velocity is updated, but before it affects the Pawn’s location.
– added mutate() replicated function for use by mutators
– fixed teamgame ReduceDamage() allows mutators to override even if instigator==None
– added skeleton option to .upl player descriptions (for user created models with different skeletons)
– Add -MainMenu= command line param
– Fixed several internal hardcoded menu links
– Fixed GUIController to always use the ini set MainMenuClass
– Propagate LevelChange() through the interaction and gui system
– Add MutatorFillPlayInfo to allow mutators to add web admin settings
– Added bContactingLevel output variable to KarmaParamsCollision.

– Memory leak fixes: Explicitly destroy KarmaParams in Actor: ostScriptDestroy, and
– ’new‘ KarmaParamsSkel instead of using BeginObject
– Fix for crash with per-tri karma collision with static meshes with no collision data

– fixed z- pixel fog and favored it over vertex fog
– worked around vertex fog driver bug on ATI cards
– added workarounds for S3 cards like the Savage 4
– added OverrideDesktopRefreshRate option (defaults to false)

– fixed occlusion if EAX 3.0 is enabled

Wenn man demos aufnimmt sollte TTM deaktiviert sein weil es damit probleme gibt.

Den Patch könnt ihr herunterladen