UT2004 Patch 3204 Released

Heute ist der erste langerwartete UT2004 Patch erschienen. Die Reihe an Bugfixes ist so lang, dass ich sie mal unter „read more“ gepackt habe. Auf jeden Fall kann man endlich die blöde CD/DVD im Regal lassen 🙂

– CD/DVD not required to play

Vorerst gibt es nur den Windows Patch, Linux und Mac Versionen sollen aber bald folgen

Der Linuxpatch ist nun auch erschienen.

(12.11 MB)
(18.87 MB)

Unreal Tournament 2004 Patch 1 Release notes.

This patch is completely compatible with the retail version – servers and clients of any flavor can connect with each other.
This patch will not overwrite your ut2004.ini and user.ini files, except to update settings as necessary.

Here is the full change list:

Onslaught related:
– Teams will now swap sides after each Onslaught round by default. This is configurable in the game settings menu.
– Fixed flying Leviathan exploit where Leviathan can be based on another vehicle.
– Fixed Leviathan pushing exploits by limiting the Leviathans max speed.
– Fixed Tank pushing exploits by limiting max speed unless falling.
– Node location names show up correctly in network games.
– Fixed terrains with a negative scale not showing PowerNodes.
– RadarMap can no longer be moved off-screen using the HUD configuration menu.
– Fixed possibility of ion cannon volume in ONS-Severance killing someone entering it without giving them warnings first
– Fixed bots getting stuck next to a vehicle because they didn’t think they were close enough to enter
– fixed players getting out of vehicles into water

Invasion related:
– Fixed Invasion ammo not replenishing at end of wave
– Fixed Invasion’s ScoreKill() not notifying GameRules when monster kills a player

General Game play:
– fixed which anim is played during sniper zoom (removes log warnings)
– fixed redeemer reticle being affected by HUD opacity setting
– fixed skaarj playing taunt anims
– make sure no wrap around on multikill numbers
– call takefallingdamage() on wall dodge to prevent it being used as an exploit for avoiding damage on long falls
(can still use wall dodging anywhere you could before, you just take damage if you are falling too fast).
– fixed miscellaneous game code log spam.
– UTClassic Rocket fix for delay before can fire again after loading up 6 rockets
– fixed zoom instagib beam positioning
– improved hidden lightning gun beam positioning
– fixed bioammo positioning
– force correct default character, even if PRI hasn’t been replicated yet
– force same character as player is using – players using bForceDefaultCharacter must use a valid forced character as their own model
– improved team balancing in network games

Single Player:
– added profile fix to unlock chars (where due) for „old“ profiles

Map and Kick Voting:
– Fixed incorrect map voting gameconfig at startup
– Reenabled map, kick voting.
– Removed Voting filter combos on server filters page.
– Added „None“ selection in the map voting web admin config.
– Edit only 1 line at a time in map voting web admin config.
– Cleaned up/ fixed map voting menus
– DefaultMapListLoader loads prefixes from GameConfig settings by default.
– Added UseMapList property to PlayInfo
– Disabled the MapListLoaderType PlayInfo property
(disables MapListConfigPage – makes it simpler to configure)
– Fixed wrong map types showing for default selected game type in voting
menu. Only happens if GameConfg.GameClass is not set with the same case.
– Implemented exec ShowVoteMenu
– Map voting defaults to ONLY server startup gametype and maps if not
configured. (Auto-detect configuration)
– Added extra check for invalid gametype/maps votes.
– Sort maps in MC ListBox on map voting page by name by default
– Changed to descending sort order in vote count MC ListBox

– Fixed weapon custom crosshair menu problems, whiched caused you to sometimes lose crosshairs entirely.
– Fixed correctly displaying VOIP key bindings in control config menu.
– allow mouse sensitivity settings as low as 0.25 in menus
– made blue player text brighter in server browser player list box
– fixed menu range for idle kick timer
– Add bFixedMouseSize to lock the size of the cursor
– Fixed GUIPage closing issue (Thank Wormbo)
– Fixed Sorting issue with Map Lists
– Fixed issues with the OwnageMap page and older clients.

Demo Recording
– Demo->AVI menu uses proper resolution settings
– Fixed auto demo recording
– fixed DIVx demo movies being recorded at too high a frame rate

Networking Related
– Fixed bug in UT2K4NetworkStatusMsg causing incorrect status message to be displayed
– Don’t display join/leave messages for standard voice channels
– Listen servers pinged last?
– Security updates
– Server browser news page now supports clickable hyperlinks.
– If master server doesn’t respond, still pings official servers
– Fixed projectiles don’t have dynamic light on clients connected to dedicated servers
– give client correct kick message when kicked for idling
– improved and enabled speedhack detection
– send message to client warning about speed hack detection
– servers won’t send more than 8 packets out to client before getting a response (DOS attack blunting)
– fixed netmode conditions for preloading player skins
– improved character skin precaching speed (less unnecessary skin precaching)

Server Admin Related
– Optimized webadmin initialization, noticable improvement in the time between map changes (if webadmin enabled)
– Fixed interface-related bug in gametype drop down
– In the Defaults – Map page, fixed bug with adding/removing multiple maps at the same time
– Webadmin no longer overwrites custom URL parmeters that have been manually added to maplist entries
– Fixed webadmin bots page layout & accessed nones
– Fixed bugs in SortedStringArray sorting (affects bots / admins / groups pages in webadmin)
– New map & mutator packages no longer require server restart to appear in webadmin mutator/map lists.
– fixed webadmin and menu idle kick time range
– added MaxTimeMargin, MinTimeMargin, TimeMarginSlack configurable properties for tweaking speedhack detection to [Engin.LevelInfo] section of UT2004.ini
– admins don’t get kicked for idling
– To prevent DDOS attacks by UT2004 servers against subnets, added LimitConnPerIPRangePerMinute property to [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver].
– pkg_official packages can be downloaded, and guid must be matched for them
– Added bKickLiveIdlers to [Engine.LevelInfo]. If set true, players with pawns can also be kicked for idling.

Mod Author Related
– Impersonator support integrated (see http://www.oc3ent.com/home.htm for details). Provides support lip synching to spoken phrases, with UnrealEd integration.
Tools and examples to come soon!
– Reorganized placement of webadmin functions to be more linear, easier to follow
– Added more comments to webadmin code
– Fixed crash in BatchExport commandlet when attempting to export .uc for packages which contain purely native classes
– Properties marked as ’noexport‘ will no longer be ignored when batchexporting .uc’s
– Added Vehicle.Bulldog to CacheManager default packages (cacheexempt), and marked Bulldog cache exempt so that it isn’t exported to .ucl file
– Fixed bug in classname matching which caused two classes that began with the same name (such as ClassBase & ClassBaseDerived) to be interpreted as the same class
– Automatically export to .ucl file when package is compiled.
– Automatically export to .ucl file when map is saved.
– Custom webadmin skins no longer required to provide every .inc file that webadmin uses
– Webadmin now searches main /ServerAdmin directory for .inc & .htm files that cannot be found in skin path
– GUIController now correctly cleans up custom styles that use the same keyname as default styles
– if .upl files exist in mod directory, ignores the .upl files in the system directory.
– INT files no longer have to be in UT2004\System\.
– UCC no longer gives an error when using -mod= switch with ‚dumpint‘ and ‚exportcache‘.
– Can specify a Paths= for music (.ogg) and karma data (.ka) files, so they can be included in the mod’s directory structure.
– Config variables properly save to UT2004\ModName\System\Whatever.ini instead of UT2004\System\Whatever.ini.
– No longer get „ERROR: Could not open whatever.u for reading!“ in UT2004.log for mod packages.
– Gracefully handle lack of tooltips in mod menus.
– fixed USoundExporterWAV to not try to export procedural sounds and sound groups
– Added AddToPackageMap() native function to Actor. This function adds PackageName to the packagemap (as if it was in GameEngine’s ServerPackages list),
or, if omitted, adds the package of the actor it was called on. This function is only valid during initialization (between GameInfo::InitGame() and
GameInfo::SetInitialState()) If called outside of that window, or anytime on a client, the function returns without doing anything.
– Fixed bAddToServerPackages mutator flag
– Mutator config menus:
-Fixed handling of arrays
-Support for advanced and multiplayer only options
– Fixed config class properties not being saved to .ini properly
– fixed BroadcastHandler AcceptBroadcastText() parameter
– Added IconFlashMaterial to Ammunition, to allow mod ammunition classes to work right on HUD.
– AdrenalinePickup amount no longer hard coded
– Added support for a mod based \KarmaData directory

– Fixed bug with disappearing actors after lighting rebuild
– Sped up ALAudio initialization in editor by not precaching sounds

– fixed memory leak in caching system
– fixed crash in GUIToolTip:raw()
– fixed bug in cache loading for crosshairs (custom crosshairs now appear correctly in menus)
– removed temporary sanity checks in projector code and pathfinding code (small performance improvement)
– gracefully handle negative delta time
– properly set GCurrentTime in UTV
– fixed resource induced memory leak in PixoResource
– more debugging to track down infrequent FALVoiceModule:ecode crash
– bForceSkelUpdate no longer true by default for pawns (still true by default for vehicles). Performance improvement (especially for servers),
but mod authors relying on this feature may need to change the value for their pawns.
– fixed memory leak in swiming physics code
– many spelling/grammar error fixes
– friendly error messages for file loading problems caused by overheating or corrupt installs
– don’t crash if non-Emitter has DT_Particle
– removed some VOIP log spam
– fixed installing korean version on Windows 98
– CD/DVD not required to play

– fixed CacheRecords.ucl handling on Linux
– Various client and server crash fixes

– fixed Mac clients reporting incorrect MD5s for packages and tripping security checks.
– Make MacOS version prevent user from ejecting the game DVD while game is running.

ATI Catalyst 4.5

Ein neuer ATI Catalyst ist released worden mit folgenden Bugfixes:

* Display corruption is no longer seen when applying rotation mode to a secondary monitor
* Playing the game Desert Rats vs. Afirka Korps with the game resolution set to 1600×1200 and the desktop display set to 1024×768 32bpp along with Anti-Aliasing set to 4x no longer results in flashing and or corrupt shadows
* The game Prince of Persia: Sands of Time no longer fails to play under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON 9100 or 8500 series product installed
* Setting the graphics quality to anything higher than Fastest in the game Virtual Skipper 3 no longer results in the operating system failing to respond when the game menu loads
* Playing the game Nascar 2003 with the display resolution set to 1280×1024 32bpp no longer results in display corruption being seen
* Texture corruption is no longer seen when playing the game Second Life under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON 9800 or 9700 series card installed
* Textures are no longer missing when moving the mouse around to change the camera angle in the game Joan of Arc
* Intermittent display corruption noticed on the players image with in the game Madden NFL 2004 is now resolved
* Playing the game Homeworld 2 under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON 9500 series, 9600 XT, or 9700 series no longer results in the game failing to respond when the shadow option within the game is selected
* Missing polygons on the satellite within the main menu is now resolved in the game Hegemonia
* A performance decrease is no longer noticed when setting the game option to Perfect in the game IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles

Alles weitere darüber findet ihr hier.

ATI Catalyst 4.5 (WinXP/Win2000)

Endlich mal wieder ein Geburtstag

Tjo the Geburtstagsnewsschreiber himself ist heute dran. Er spielt zwar jetzt in den Reihen von a-L, aber trotzdem…

Alles Gute zum 20ten default!
Feier schön und sauf net zuviel 🙂

TTM 1.0 Beta2

TTM 1.0 Beta2 für UT2004 wurde eben zum Download bereitgestellt. Änderungen:

(add) basic GUI: press ESC when in game and proceed to the "TTM" tab
(add) "glow factor", adds glow to players models, useful in especially dark places; check TTM’s GUI
(fix) crosshairs were getting double size when with TTM
(add) user.ini, [ttmXXXX.TTM_Pawn], AmbFactor: sets player’s own ambient glow factor; 1 for darkest, 10 for brightest, 4 is default value
(fix) fixed bug: default Models and Colors are forced even if it has been set to "FALSE" in the INI!


PHP 4.3.6 erschienen

Gestern Nacht wurde PHP 4.3.6 released. Neue Features wirds für die 4er Version nicht mehr geben sondern nur noch Bugfixes. Das Changelog findet Ihr im Klapptext !

Unser Webserver läuft natürlich auch schon damit 🙂


  • Updated bundled PDFLib library to version 5.0.3p1 in Windows distribution. (Edin)
  • Synchronized bundled GD library with GD 2.0.22. (Ilia)
  • Fixed a crash in multi-threaded environments when a thread is shutdown by the web server. (Stas)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented building of the GD extension against external GD lib 1.X. (Ilia, Edin, Nick Talbott).
  • Fixed bug #27963 (Session lifetime setting may leak between requests). (Ilia)
  • Fixed bug #27849(configure craps out on trivial syntax error). (Derick)
  • Fixed bug #27822 (is_resource() returns TRUE for closed resources). (Derick)
  • Fixed bug #27819 (problems returning reference to a reference parameter). (Ilia)
  • Fixed bug #27809 (ftp_systype returns null on some ftp servers). (Ilia)
  • Fixed bug #27802 (default number of children to 8 when PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN is not defined). (Ilia)
  • Fixed bug #27780 (strtotime(+1 xxx) returns a wrong date/time). (Derick)
  • Fixed bug #27769 (domxml_xmltree crashes). (Rob)
  • Fixed bug #27764 (Get return value from a stored procedure not returning any result sets). (Frank)
  • Fixed bug #27762 (SCO Openserver doesn’t have S_ISSOCK). (Wez)
  • Fixed bug #27743 (Make sure Money types are converted and returned correctly). (Frank)
  • Fixed bug #27732 (Fixed compilation bug inside php_sab_info.h). (Ilia)
  • Fixed bug #27731 (error_reporting() inside @ block fails to set error_reporting level). (Ilia)
  • Fixed bug #27719 (mktime issues on and around DST changeover). (Rasmus)
  • Fixed bug #27717 (Test Failures when compiled on 64-bit mode). (Ard, Derick)
  • Fixed bug #27687 (Bug Adding Default Charset to ‚text/*‘ Content-Type Header). (Marcus)
  • Fixed bug #27663 (compile failure with cURL 7.11.1). (Ilia)
  • Fixed bug #27646 (Cannot serialize/unserialize non-finite numeric values). (Marcus)
  • Fixed bug #26757 (session.save_path default is bogus for win32). (Wez)
  • Fixed bug #26589 (Crash inside mssql extension when selecting many columns of type money). (Frank)
  • Fixed bug #25547 (error_handler and array index with function call). cschneid at cschneid dot com)

Painkiller wird erwachsen!

Für was Epic bei UT2003 Monate brauchte, braucht People Can Fly ein paar Tage. Am 19. April nämlich, wird der Patch 1.1 erscheinen.

The Painkiller 1.1 update is expected to pass QA and be released this Monday, April 19. The update will add a number of features, particularly for enhancing the multiplayer experience. Along with a new map („DM_Cursed“), the 1.1 update will add Spectator mode, Demo recording and a call-vote system. There are also several minor fixes for bugs and exploits uncovered since the game’s launch.

Somit dürfen wir dann auch alle in PK fleißig Demos aufnehmen 🙂 Weiterhin erfreuenswert, das man sich jetzt nicht ausruht und gleich am MP Modus weitermacht. Dieser braucht in der Tat noch ein bisschen Tuning und Bugfixing, aber es sieht gut aus von seiten People Can Fly das noch vieles geschehen wird.

Software teuer? es geht auch anders

Ich hab mich mal aufgerafft und einen neuen Artikel verfasst. In diesem behandle ich das Thema Freeware bzw Software muss nicht teuer sein damit sie gut ist. Es gibt viele Programme welche kostenlos angeboten werden, in den Features, der Leistung und Stabilität aber dem kommerziellen Pendant in nichts nachstehen.

Diese News wurde extra für verfasst !

Die FarCry Demo, der nächste Action-Hit von UBISoft, ist indiziert worden. Schuld daran ist das Ragdoll-Verhalten, welches u.a. das Verhalten lebloser Körper physikalisch korrekt berechnet.
Die Indizierung wird mit der Veröffentlichung des nächsten Bundesanzeigers Ende März 2004 in Kraft treten.

In der finalen deutschen Version wird UbiSoft dieses Verhalten entfernen, da man davon ausgeht das auch diese sonst indiziert würde. Auf den Spielspaß soll es laut Angaben von UbiSoft keine Auswirkungen haben.

FarCry wird Ende März erscheinen, wobei die deutsche Version schon mit „Keine Jugendfreigabe“ von der USK eingestuft wurde.


UT2004 hat bekanntlich ja schon den Gold Status erreicht. Nun gibts auch eine Liste aller Maps die zum ersten Mal in UT2004 erscheinen, nach dem Alphabet geordnet. Was liest man da so:

„Enter Deck 17 – Magma Refinery… Deck 16’s HOT neighbor.“

Na da darf man ja gespannt sein ob sich die Deck Map wieder als meistgespielte Map durchsetzen wird 🙂

„Feel the walls closing in on you? A little claustrophobia maybe? When the flak starts flying and the shock combos fill the air, as you find yourself backed into a corner by a relentless pursuer you’ll come to learn the meaning of the word cursed.“

Ui Ui, Curse4. Na dann mal hoffentlich besser als die 3er Version. Spezielle 1on1 Maps sind auch mitdrin, bleibt abzuwarten ob Epic aus den Fehlern von UT2003 gelernt hat und sich auch mal aufs Mapping konzentriert hat.

Eine Liste aller neuen Maps findet man hier

Kundencenter is back

Ihr könnt jetzt auf mywoh.de unseren UT2004 Beta Server Live einsehen und Spiele verfolgen. Die Spieler werden angezeigt und nach Score sortiert ausgegeben. Eventuell code ich noch für Teamgames dazu wie es derzeit nach Teams steht, mal kucken.

Update: Server könnt Ihr nun auch einsehen.

Viel Spaß