PHP 4.3.9 erschienen

PHP ist in der Version 4.3.9 erschienen. Dies ist ein reines Bugfix Release, die Änderungen wie immer unter „mehr“.

Edit: Läuft nun auch auf hier auf


    * GPC input processing fixes.
    * Implemented periodic PCRE compiled regexp cache cleanup, to avoid memory exhaustion.
    * Fixed bug with raw_post_data not getting set.
    * Fixed a file-descriptor leak with phpinfo() and other ’special‘ URLs.
    * Rewritten UNIX and Windows install help files.
    * Updated PCRE to provide better error handling in certain cases.
    * NSAPI: added „bucket“ parameter to list of non-php.ini-keys of php4_execute for doing performance stats without warnings in server-log.
    * Fixed leap year checking with idate().
    * Fixed strip_tags() to correctly handle ‚\0‘ characters.
    * Fixed funny forking effect in FastCGI when PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN was not set.
    * Fixed bug #30050 (Possible crash inside php_shutdown_config()).
    * Fixed bug #29882 (isset crashes on arrays).
    * Fixed bug #29753 (mcal_fetch_event() allows 2nd argument to be optional).
    * Fixed bug #29727 (Added missing CURL authentication directives).
    * Fixed bug #29719 (fgetcsv() has problem parsing strings
ending with escaped enclosures).
    * Fixed bug #29607 (highlighting code with HEREDOC produces invalid output).
    * Fixed bug #29599 (domxml_error segfaults another apache module).
    * Fixed bug #29594 (Use PHP’s own tmpfile() implementation).
    * Fixed bug #29581 (Typo inside php.ini comments for mysql.trace_mode).
    * Fixed bug #29493 (extract(array, EXTR_REFS) misbehaves with elements referred twice or more times).
    * Fixed bug #29443 (Sanity check for wbmp detection).
    * Fixed bug #29369 (Uploaded files with ‚ or “ in their names get their names truncated at those characters).
    * Fixed bug #29349 (imagecreatefromstring() crashes with external GD library).
    * Fixed bug #29333 (output_buffering+trans_sess_id can corrupt output).
    * Fixed bug #29226 (ctype_* functions missing validation of numeric string representations).
    * Fixed bug #29209 (imap_fetchbody() doesn’t check message index).
    * Fixed bug #29116 (Zend constant warning uses memory after free).
    * Fixed bug #29114 (Potential double free in php_stat).
    * Fixed bug #29075 (strnatcmp() incorrectly handles whitespace).
    * Fixed bug #29049 (array sorting via user function/method does not validate it).
    * Fixed bug #29038 (extract() with EXTR_PREFIX_SAME prefixes empty strings).
    * Fixed bug #29034 (wordwrap() returns a boolean when passed empty string).
    * Fixed bug #28974 (overflow in array_slice(), array_splice(), substr, substr_replace(), strspn(), strcspn()).
    * Fixed bug #28897 (ibase: -1 returned as -0.000 for 64-bit scaled int).
    * Fixed bug #28879 (Implicit/Explicit array creation inconsistency when using Resources, Arrays, or Objects as indices).
    * Fixed bug #28878 (Setting of inikey’s in obj.conf fails).
    * Fixed bug #28868 (Internal wrapper registry not thread safe).
    * Fixed bug #28818 (Apache 2 sapis do not export st_dev).
    * Fixed bug #28800 (strings beginning with „inf“ improperly converted).
    * Fixed bug #28723 (Fixed mbstring config.m4 to work on OSes where test command does not support -e parameter).
    * Fixed bug #28692 (\0 in Authenticate header passed via safe_mode).
    * Fixed bug #28670 (WWW-Authentication header mangling with PCRE in safe_mode adds extra spaces).
    * Fixed bug #28668 (glob() does not work with relative paths on Windows).
    * Fixed bug #28649 (Proper glob() return value on Linux when there are no matches).
    * Fixed bug #28633 (sprintf incorrectly adding padding to floats).
    * Fixed bug #28627 (When multiple MySQL links are used default link is leaked).
    * Fixed bug #28525 (gmp_powm() does not work with hexadecimal string modulo represented as a string).
    * Fixed bug #28512 (Allocate enough space to store MSSQL data).
    * Fixed bug #28466 (mbstring_convert_variables() array separation problem).
    * Fixed bug #28175 (Allow bundled GD to compile against freetype 2.1.2).

UTComp 1.4 Final

UTComp 1.4 Final wurde released. Natürlich gibts auch nen mywoh Mirror.


Changelog from 1.4 Beta3:

# Fixed bug with specs not always showing on scoreboard
# Added preview window to brightskins
# Separated Enemy/Teammate based skins and Enemy/Teammate based models
# Map list in voting now only shows maps for the current or selected gametype.
# Added serverside option to allow map votes on any map, regardless of current gametype.
# Fixed Team Overlay settings not always updating instantly
# Fixed double damage not always showing properly on team overlay
# Added hud message during warmup
# Fixed first red player’s name not showing in server side auto demorec
# Fixed some vehicle and superweapon stats not being named properly
# Fixed serverside autodemorec when warmup is disabled
# Improved item pickup scoreboard stats

OpenOffice 1.1.3 RC erschienen hat den ersten Release Candidate der 1.1.3 Version zum Download bereitgestellt. Wer nicht weiß was OpenOffice ist, dem erklär ichs kurz. Es ist eine komplette Office Suite und ein wirklicher Konkurrent zu Microsoft Office. Ausserdem ist es eines der 3 wichtigsten und größten OpenSource Projekte. Die ReleaseNotes gibt es hier .

OpenOffice 1.1.3 RC

nForce 2 Treiber 5.10

Nvidia hat neue Treiber für die nForce Systeme zum Download bereitgestellt. Da Das Changelog nicht so groß ist, gibts diesmal keinen Klapptext 🙂



Release Notes

* WHQL certified kit
* Unified drivers with support for nForce, nForce2, and nForce3 products, including support for dual-processor systems.
* General compatibility fixes
* Audio Driver Improvements
o Addressed audio issues in numerous games and applications
* Storage Driver Improvements:
o RAID Morphing
o Improved RAID Interface
o RAID spans both SATA and PATA devices
o RAID 0, 1, and 0+1
o Improved handling of various storage devices

OnlineStar 2004

Soeben hab ich eine eMail erhalten mit folgendem Text:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Ihre Internetseite ((Website)) wurde von den Online-Usern zur Wahl des OnlineStars 2004 vorgeschlagen.
Das Ranking um die ersten zwanzig Plätze für die Hauptwahl ist sehr knapp.

Somit haben uns doch ein paar Nutzer ausgewählt, geaddet hab ich uns vor ein paar Wochen schon 🙂 Also nix wie hin da und für abstimmen!

OnlineStar 2004

Neuer UT2004 Patch + UTComp 1.4 Beta2

Epic hat einen neuen Patch für UT2004 released. Änderungen und Neuerungen wie immer unter mehr. Zusätzlich ist auch das bekannte und beliebte UTComp in der Version 1.4 Beta2 erschienen. Changelog zu UTComp in den Downloaddetails.


Onslaught related:
– Fixed accessed none in mid-game GUI code
– New, optimized Goliath shot hit effect
– Fixed Raptor camera from clipping into the world
– fixed collision hole in Goliath
– vehicle splash rings
– fixed daredevil message to only show the stats that made you a daredevil
– Manta water spray effect
– If two nodes are an equal number of links away from the enemy powercore, the autospawn system will now select the one physically closer to the core instead of randomly picking one.
– Optimized some effects to improve client performance

Onslaught AI:
– greatly improved AI control of flying vehicles
– fixed bot getting out of vehicle and instantly killed causing AI problems
– bots in mantas and scorpions may jump out if about to be hit by avril
– Improved Leviathan AI
– improve Raptor firemode selection AI
– bots like jumppads more in Onslaught
– improved AI initial node rush
– bots better at comboing with PRV side gun
– improve AI vehicle route following (less backing up)
– high skill bots jump out of mantas that have web projectile stuck to them
– fixed occasional bot in vehicle getting stuck on inventoryspot
– fixed bot avril locks when bot can’t see target
– fixed bots trying to heal node from too far away
– fixed defenders staying in vehicle too long when node unpowered
– PowerCores now block paths through them (need to rebuild paths for this to work)
– bot Mantas more aggressive against foot enemies
– bots smarter about navigationpoints blocked by vehicles
– move as close as possible in vehicle if no path to dest (until currentpath isn’t useable)
– bots pick best side of vehicle to get out
– Entering a vehicle turns off a pawn’s and a pawn’s weapon’s AmbientSounds
– bots keep manning tanks (and other „important“ vehicles) when possible
– bots do multiple dodges toward road pathnodes
– improved bots staying focused on enemy attacking power core
– if bot can’t get out of vehicle turret, he tries to switch to driving vehicle if there’s no driver
– bots understand they can’t shoot through powernode shields
– bots don’t toss spidermines into powernode shields
– fixed bots in vehicles trying to use teleporters
– improved bot use of handbraking for steering

General game play:
– removed log warnings when damagetype is none
– fix for getplayerstart log spam in invasion
– Fixed the single player not going to the SP_Main menu after showing the intro
– fixed script warnings
– Only allow suicides once every 10 seconds
– fixed Xan torso w/ invisibility
– have „?“ portrait show up if no valid portrait on HUD

Demo Recording:
– Added a hack so that demorecdrivers always convince the server that it’s UTX files are Gen=1
(fixes CTF flags not showing in demos recorded on dedicated server installs)

– UT2K4 works with WinXP SP2 firewall
– speed hack detection improvements (less problems for people with just bad connections)
– Fixed Linux server crash when Master Server drops connection unexpectedly. (in 3270.1)
– increased default ConnectionTimeout to 30 seconds
– fixed cases where non-replicated emitters were being spawned server side (performance improvement)
– Fix for server travel crash bug.
– fixed destroyed vehicles disappearing so much on saturated connections
– Properly handle the FailCode command coming from the server. This was what would cause a client to appear „locked solid“ when 2 clients were trying to join the last slot.
– „Only Official Maps“ toggle in server browser now becomes disabled when mods are loaded.
– Fixed the server browser Filters description overlap.
– Fixed Classic Translocator Setting in net games.
– The „Press F10 to“ Connection Message makes it’s return.
– Fixed vehicles looking flipped over on clients when they aren’t
– Servers recover if connection to master server fails during receive
– Fixed HandleStream crash on server with some user Assault levels on connections with packet loss
– Server performance improvement (don’t copy structs in NEQ replication comparisons)

– added per layer detail settings for terrain deco layers
– fixed particle editor crash

– fix for processhitwall crash
– fixed script assignment bug (assignment of deleted actors resulted in no change from the current value).
– loading time speedup.

PHP 5.0.1 released

Gestern wurde PHP 5.0.1 zum Download bereitgestellt. Diese Version beinhaltet Bug Fixes und neue Windows und Unix Installations Dokumente, welche jetzt automatisch aus dem PHP Manual generiert werden.
In absehbarer Zeit werden auch wir unseren Server auf die 5er Version updaten und euch eine ausgebaute, polierte und PHP5 optimierte WoH Page zur Verfügung stellen 🙂
Das Changelog wie immer unter „mehr“.

# Changed destructor mechanism so that destructors are called prior to request shutdown. (Marcus)
# Rewritten UNIX and Windows install help files. (Documentation Team)
# Updated several libraries bundled with the windows release which now includes libxml2-2.6.11, libxslt-1.1.7 and iconv-1.9.1. (Rob, Edin)
# Improved and moved ActiveScript SAPI to PECL. (Wez)
# Fixed unloading of dynamically loaded extensions. (Marcus, kameshj at fastmail dot fm)
# Fixed ReflectionClass::getMethod() and ReflectionClass::getProperty() to raise an ReflectionException instead of returning NULL on failure. (Sebastian)
# Fixed convert.* filters to consume remaining buckets_in on flush. (Sara)
# Fixed bug in mysqli->client_version. (Georg)
# Fixed bug #29606 (php_strip_whitespace() prints to stdout rather then returning the value). (Ilia)
# Fixed bug #29577 (MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS undefined) (Georg)
# Fixed bug #29573 (Segmentation fault, when exception thrown within PHP function called from XSLT). (Christian)
# Fixed bug #29522 (accessing properties without connection) (Georg)
# Fixed bug #29505 (get_class_vars() severely broken when used with arrays). (Marcus)
# Fixed bug #29490 (.Net object instantiation failed). (Michael Sisolak).
# Fixed bug #29474 (win32: usleep() doesn’t work). (Wez)
# Fixed bug #29449 (win32: feof() hangs on empty tcp stream). (Wez)
# Fixed bug #29437 (Possible crash inside array_walk_recursive()). (Ilia)
# Fixed bug #29431 (crash when parsing invalid address; invalid address returned by stream_socket_recvfrom(), stream_socket_getname()). (Wez)
# Fixed bug #29409 (Segfault in PHP functions called from XSLT). (Rob)
# Fixed bug #29395 (sqlite_escape_string() returns bogus data on empty strings). (Ilia, Tony)
# Fixed bug #29392 (com_dotnet crashes when echo’ing an object). (Wez)
# Fixed bug #29368 (The destructor is called when an exception is thrown from the constructor). (Marcus)
# Fixed bug #29354 (Exception constructor marked as both public and protected). (Marcus)
# Fixed bug #29342 (strtotime() does not handle empty date string properly). (Ilia)
# Fixed bug #29340 (win32 build produces invalid php_ifx.dll). (Edin)
# Fixed bug #29335 (fetch functions now use MYSQLI_BOTH as default) (Georg)
# Fixed bug #29291 (get_class_vars() return names with NULLs). (Marcus)
# Fixed bug #29264 (gettext extension not working). (Edin)
# Fixed bug #29258 (variant_date_from_timestamp() does not honour timezone). (Wez)
# Fixed bug #29256 (error when sending large packets on a socket). (Dmitry)
# Fixed bug #29236 (memory error when wsdl-cache is enabled). (Dmitry)
# Fixed bug #29147 (Compile Error in mnoGoSearch functions). (Sergey, Antony)
# Fixed bug #29132 ($_SERVER[„PHP_AUTH_USER“] isn’t defined). (Stefan)
# Fixed bug #29119 (html_entity_decode() misbehaves with UTF-8). (Moriyoshi)
# Fixed bug #29109 (SoapFault exception: [WSDL] Out of memory). (Dmitry)
# Fixed bug #29061 (soap extension segfaults). (Dmitry)
# Fixed bug #28985 (__getTypes() returning nothing on complex WSDL). (Dmitry)
# Fixed bug #28969 (Wrong data encoding of special characters). (Dmitry)
# Fixed bug #28895 (ReflectionClass::isAbstract always returns false). (Marcus)
# Fixed bug #28829 (Thread-unsafety in bcmath elementary values). (Sara)
# Fixed bug #28464 (catch() does not catch exceptions by interfaces). (Marcus)

Windows XP SP2 ist fertig

Microsoft hat das SP2 für Windows XP endlich fertiggestellt. Nachdem man es am Montag noch kurzfristig verschoben hatte, ist es seit heute auf Betaplace für Betatester schon verfügbar. Alle anderen müssen sich bis nächste Woche gedulden, dann wird es nämlich auch im Microsoft Download Center verfügbar sein. Ob dann Windows XP wirklich sicherer ist? Wir werdens sehen, der erste Schritt ist aber zumindest damit dann gemacht.

Die deutsche XP SP2 Seite findet Ihr hier . Dort ist auch ein Funktionschangelog verfügbar, recht groß :); Direktlink