UT2007 PrePage Online!

Unreal Tournament 2007 Prepage ist online.
Inunreal.de weist darauf hin, dass die UT2k7 Prepage online ist. Zuvor wurde man von www.unrealtournament2007.com auf die UT2004 Page weitergeleitet. Heute sieht man auf der Page die Entwicklerlogos, sowie das UT2007 Logo. Man darf annehmen, dass zur E3 Messe die Page gelauncht wird.

Quake 4: The Art and Design

Gamespy.com haben sich Eric Biessman (Projektleiter) Kevin Long (leading Artist Raven) und Tim Willts (id Designer) zur Seite genommen um sie über den visuellen Aspekt des kommenden Shooters zu interviewn. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte wird laut Tim Willits Aussagen nach Erscheinen des Shooters hohe Wellen schlagen, da Raven „für jeden Mist“ Concept Arts entwickelt hat. Auch geht Sluggo von Gamespy auf die vielen Ketzer in Internetforen ein, die sich dem Doom3 Aspekt des Spiels nicht entfremden können:

Sluggo: We’ve seen a number of forum threads commenting that the game is looking very similar to DOOM 3, and based on the screenshots we’ve seen so far, we can understand where they’re coming from. Is that just a function of using the DOOM 3 engine, or is that just because of the particular screenshots released so far?

Tim Willits: It definitely has a technical look to it — the Prey shots (being developed by 3DRealms and Human Head – ed.) are our technology as well. Hopefully our E3 presentation with our trailer will definitely distinguish it from DOOM 3. I think we have enough different stuff in there that people won’t think it’s DOOM 3.

Eric Biessman: From the beginning, the inception of development, we said, „how can we differentiate ourselves both stylistically and gameplay wise from DOOM?“ We just set out to make a fast-action, nonstop game that you’ll sit down and play right through. There’s more than just fighting, but it’s definitely a different game. Without letting you sit down and play through the whole game, it’s hard — I couldn’t list everything. We’ve really gone out of our way to try to differentiate.

Als krönender Abschluss kam nochmal unser aller Liebling Tim Willits zu Wort, der uns auf ein Feuerwerk hoffen lässt.

Tim Willits: I believe that Quake 2 had the best single-player universe of the Quake series, and that’s what we’re returned to. And then Quake 3 had the best multiplayer feeling and experience of the Quake series. So with Quake 4, you have the best single-player environment to go off of, and then you have the best multiplayer environment to build off of. And honestly, I believe this will be our best Quake — we’ve had 10 years to make this that game great. It’s really building off the experience of the other Quake, the experience of id, the experience of the guys at Raven — all the pieces have come together to create the perfect environment to make an awesome game.

Artikel auf Gamespy.com

default goes hollywood

NICEONE is known as n!faculty. default und seine Truppe von NICEONE spielen absolut unter der Flagge von n!faculty.
Nach gut 3 monatiger ungewissheit, ist das Team NICEONE nun mit neuer Identität behaftet. Der Wechsel zu n!faculty ist perfekt und dass das TDM LineUp von n!faculty, in dem auch povi und def mitwirken, eines der besten der UT2k4 Szene ist, ist wohl offensichtlich. Wünschen wir den Jungs was.

TDM LineUp: n!DwarF, n!seiM, n!donnie(povi), n!default, n!mAj0 (inaktiv)
1on1 Lineup: n!Varagh^, n!zei0, n!DynAz

Ein Interview mit unserem def kann man sich unter „more“ durchlesen.


mit n!faculty | default

n!faculty: Hallo default, ersteinmal willkommen bei n!faculty.RAPTOR!
default: Hi, vielen Dank!

n!faculty: Wie kam es zu dem Kontakt mit n!faculty.RAPTOR?
default: Vor einigen Wochen wurden wir von n!faculty angesprochen.

n!faculty: Was erhofft ihr euch von dem Wechsel?
default: Nach der enttäuschenden Zeit bei den a-Losers erhoffen wir uns eine gute Clanatmosphäre sowie einen ausreichenden Support.

n!faculty: Wie sind euren ersten Eindrücke vom n!faculty.RAPTOR?
default: Unser erster Eindruck ist durchweg positiv 🙂

n!faculty: Das freut mich :)! Seht ihr eure Zukunft strikt im UT-Bereich, oder wäre es auch möglich, dass man auf den nächsten großen Shooter umsattelt, wenn die Zeit gekommen ist?
default: Die meisten von uns spielen UT nunmehr seit vielen Jahren. Ich denke schon dass wir hauptsächlich im UT-Bereich bleiben werden. Aber man kann nie ausschließen dass nicht doch eines Tages ein anderer guter Shooter auf den Markt kommt.

n!faculty: Was sind eure nächstens Ziele und auf welchen Events kann man in Zukunft mit euch rechnen?
default: Das erste große Ziel ist erstmal der Gewinn der UTCL Season 2 Playoffs wo wir uns recht gute Chancen ausrechnen. Außerdem werden wir alles daran setzen uns für die Lan Finals des Clanbase EC:XI zu qualifizieren. Wenn alles klappt werden ein oder zwei Leute auf die bald stattfindende Northcon fahren um dort am 1on1 Turnier teilzunehmen. Auf den ESCW Qualifiers eine Woche später in Frankfurt(Oder) werden donnie, seiM und zei0 teilnehmen.

n!faculty: Dann bleibt mir nicht viel mehr, als dir und deinem Team viel Spass und Erfolg bei n!faculty.RAPTOR zu wünschen und noch ein paar Grüße deinerseits aufzunehmen.
default: Vielen Dank! Grüße an mein Team, an ganz WoH, natürlich auch an den piMp und alle die ich vergessen habe.


Die neusten Infos zu QIV treffen über IGN direkt von Tim Willits, dem wohlbekannten id software Entwickler, ein. In dem 3 Seitigen Bericht wird man über die generellen Absichten die man mit Quake IV verfolgt, den Multi Player Modus, und die Grafik-Engine (erweiterte Doom3Engine) aufgeklärt. Zwar ist das alles sehr distanziert berichtet vom werten Herrn Willits, aber um sich einen Fokus zu Q4 zu entwickeln, ist der Artikel doch zu gebrauchen.
Über den Release Termin, bzw eine Aussicht, hielt sich Willits geschlossen:

Tim Willits: […] „When it’s done,“ […]

Hier ein Ausschnitt über den Multiplayer Modus, klingt doch nicht schlecht, oder?

IGN: With Quake II being more story driven and Quake III more multiplayer focused, was there a feeling of „getting back to the original formula“ of rampant destruction that made the series?
Tim Willits: It was much more of a continuation of Quake II more than anything else – We wanted to create a great single player experience that felt like a Quake style game. You’ll find a lot of hard-hitting action in the title. You’ll also find squad buddies that fight alongside you as well as vehicles that you can drive. And we also realized that we needed a really good multi-player as well, which is why we wanted to give it more of a Quake III feel rather than a Doom 3 multi-player feel.

IGN Artikel

UTComp 1.6 Final released

Die UTComp Entwickler haben die Version 1.6 Final zum Download bereitgestellt. Alle Änderungen und Neuerungen seit Version 1.5a hab ich unter „mehr“ zusammengefasst. Der Download ist natürlich lokal verfügbar.

-Added new Enhanced Netcode. (disabled server-side by default)
-Added Clan Arena Gametype.
-Added option to control the number of grenades players start with.
-Added average team pings to the scoreboard.
-Hitsounds will now play in first person spectator view.
-Flak primary hitsounds will now group together to form one hitsound if CPMA hitsounds are enabled.
-Colored names now show when targetting enemy players.
-Added RTS-Style actions per minute statistic to scoreboard.
-Added flood protection to Voting Yes/No messages.
-Voting failed message is now different if a vote timed out or voted no.
-UTComp Duel Mode servers now have a [Duel] tag in front of their name.
-Added getsensitivity console command.
-Added client and server options to enable/disable enhanced netcode.
-Added server side enhanced netcode vote to settings voting.
-Added Webadmin entries for Enhanced Netcode, Enhanced Netcode Voting and Grenades on Spawn.
-Added grenades on spawn to gametype voting page.
-Move timed overtime to gametype voting, now accepts numerical values. (as opposed to on/off)
-When selecting a gametype in gametype voting, the maxplayers box will automatically default to a reasonable number.
-Added options to toggle whether UTComp Duel and Clan Arena servers have their respective [Duel] and [CA] tags appearing in front of the server names.
-Added \\“Enhanced Netcode=Enabled\\“ message to Onjoin Box if Enhanced Netcode is enabled.
-Red/Blue Team Score in the player list will no longer report a ping.
-Fixed bug which made it impossible for spectators to switch players and move around after a quick map restart.
-Fixed bug with Timed Overtime in which certain seconds were left out on the game clock.
-Fixed bug causing Warmup to cause choppyness with the Low gravity mutator.
-Fixed bug causing everyone to skin as enemy color when spectating if skins were set to enemy/teammate based.
-Fixed admin forced votes stopping further votes from being started
-Fixed bug causing UTComp to remove itself from the server on certain gametype votes.
-Fixed bug with Line of Sight hitsounds not playing with hitscan weapons in some situations.
-Fixed bug with Line of Sight hitsounds not playing when a player disabled all stats.
-Fixed bug in brightskins menu when selecting a model on a custom clanskin entry.
-Adrenaline taken stat now reports 2 as it should.
-Re-Fixed first blood not resetting after warmup is over.
-Fixed bug with using certain numbers in colored names breaking chat messages.
-GUI now grey outs warmup voting when warmup voting is disabled serverside.
-Minor GUI and Webadmin Changes.

UTComp 1.6 Beta 8 released

Es gibt mal wieder eine neue Betaversion des beliebten UT2004 Mutators UTComp. In der Version 1.6 Beta 8 wurde vor allem am Enhanced Netcode gearbeitet und einige Bugs im Physik System wurden ausgemerzt. Das komplette Changelog findet ihr unter mehr. Der Download steht natürlich lokal zur Verfügung.

– Readded an improved version of the enhanced netcode.
– Fixed clan arena not giving out weapons without enhanced netcode.
– Fixed bug causing settings to sometimes not save
– Link secondary has had its skeletizing effect removed. If anyone still experiences a ‚link-bug‘ crash please post about it the forums.
– Flak primary hitsounds will now group together to form one hitsound if CPMA hitsounds are enabled.
– SpecViewGoal? in coachmode now allows you to see your own flag/ball carrier.

UT2004 Patch 3355 released

Der 3355 Patch ist heute offiziell released worden.
Downloadlinks stehen unten, Changelog gibts unter more


General Gameplay:

  • Fixed stuttering/snagging/sinking into static meshes in some places on clients in net games
  • Improved getting out of water
  • Fixed FaceClassic teleporter exploit
  • The Cicada hud indicators should now show up in all game modes.
  • Fixed SPMA causing damage at world origin.
  • Fixed not being able to exit raptor when it’s on the ground
  • Fixed (for assault) the energy core always showing on the HUD even if it not the current objective (thanks AngelMapper)


  • Server performance improvements
  • Cheating detection improvements, with shorter time for master server ban detection
  • Integration of UTAN bans with UT2004 master server. Admins can opt out by adding bIgnoreUTANBans=true to [IpDrv.MasterServerUplink]
  • Fixed potential garbage collection crash when changing levels during network games
  • Improved caching of server data for when you can’t connect to the master server.
  • UTV updated (netspeed fix).
  • Better Client
  • >Server
  • >MS Error Messages

Demo Recording:

  • Added code to insure StopDemo is executed before a map change or game exit
  • Remove 8x from the demo playback menu.  The engine has problems with that speed.
  • Fixed bug in Demo Playback menu that caused the Play/Pause button to be out of sync
  • Added Demo playback jog keys to the console.

    • Left Cursor slows down playback (1/4x -> 1/2x)
    • Right cursor speeds ups playback (2x -> 4x)  
    • Up/Down cursor resets to 1x
    • Disable by settings bDemoJogKeys=false in [XInterface.ExtendedConsole]


  • Improved level loading speed, especially on network clients
  • Fixed calling SetBase(NULL) on all attached actors when an actor is destroyed


  • Fix for importing static meshes


  • Model select page now properly selects the current character when you open it.
  • Korean localization updates.
  • VCTF now appears in server browser, even if you don’t already have any VCTF maps installed.
  • Added code to sync the Stream (MP3) volume with normal music volume.

UT2004 Patch 3339 released

Eben ist ein neuer UT2004 Patch für Windows erschienen und zwar in Version 3339. Weil der neue Patch ein paar Dateien aus dem ECE Bonuspack verändert, gibt es auch davon eine aktualisierte Version.
Ein Changelog zum Patch gibt es unter more.

Update 22.11.2004:
Jetzt ist auch endlich die final vom 3339er Linux Patch released worden.

    This patch is completely compatible with the retail version – servers and clients of any flavor can connect with each other. This patch will not overwrite your ut2004.ini and user.ini files, except to update settings as necessary. This patch includes all changes made in Patches 1, 2, 3, and 4.

    This patch should be installed *after* installing the Epic ECE Bonus Pack, as it updates some of the game code included with the bonus pack.

    Onslaught related:
    – Added a gunner indicator for the Cicada.
    – Onslaught low skill bot AI tweaks
    – Max lifespan for shot down ONSMortarCamera
    – Fixed regular dust showing when Manta jumps over water
    – Fixed Cicada staying above StallZ if driver switches to gunner position
    – Fixed SPMA engine sound volume
    – Tweaked powercore destruction and electricity sounds
    – Improved artillery explosion effect
    – Don’t call destroyed powercore „green powercore“ in scoreboard (after round ends)

    General Gameplay:
    – Fixed Berserk combo (properly turns client side weapon changes on and off)
    – Fixed quadjump mutator in multiplay (was only allowing regular double jump on first jump)
    – Fixed gamespeed mutator „sticking“ in instant action games
    – Don’t let Cicada passengers carry flag (for VCTF)
    – Added OnslaughtBP.UCL to patch so bonus pack mutators will show up
    – Fixed problem with landing view shake sometimes not working at very low frame rates
    – Fixed bug where not all actors got NotifyTeamChanged() when client team changed
    – Assault objective announcements can come from packages other than AssaultAnnouncer
    – IonCannonKillVolume bug fixes
    – Don’t allow players to change teams if team sizes are equal if bPlayersBalanceTeams is true
    – Fixed team balancing code bug
    – Fixed footstep sounds playing while in vehicle where driver isn’t visible if enter while running
    – Removed obsolete weapon debugging code
    – Localization fixes for Italian, French, German, and Spanish
    – No log or console message when player enters or leaves team. public, or local channels
    – Fixed Dom.xml for bot voice command in DDOM
    – Fixed F3/F8 stats now shows all players in list
    – Don’t limit suiciding to 10 second interval in standalone games

    Demo recording:
    – Fixed client-side demo recording of vehicles

    – Fix for clients unable to connect with „Incompatible Games Files“ message
    – Fixed WebAdmin play list and mid game menu to report the proper ping.
    – Fixed resetting initial position of saved move when moves are combined
    – Increased min idle kick time to 30 seconds
    – Never idle kick player if only human in game
    – Moved gamespeed option in URL parsing to after mutator spawning, so gamespeed can be set from URL
    – More speedhack detection tweaks (less false positives)
    – Server CPU use improvements relative to last patch
    – Consider CPU saturation in determining whether to do extra work on server to reduce bandwidth use for low
    bandwidth clients
    – Don’t allow clients <3320 to connect to servers with OnslaughtBP.     - Fixed server crash when using bonus vehicles mutator.     - Fix for client-side crash caused by DynamicLoadObject problem uncovered by interaction of AntiTCC with     certain other mutators.     - Fix for annoying server browser bug (not showing correct initial game type).     - Fix for team VOIP channels in large games     Menus:     - Fixed map list menu problems with bonus vehicles and custom link setups.     Editor:     - Fixed Unrealed working with Windows 98 (See note below)     Mod Author Related:     - New script profiling tool.     - Added (slow) full dangling reference checking option.     Logs dangling references which could cause a crash during gameplay or on GC. Use only for testing, as it     is very slow, by adding bSlowRefChecking=true to the [Engine.Engine] section of UT2004.ini. I'd recommend     running a dedicated server with bots with this option enabled, connect to it to start the match, and let the     bots do the testing for you.     - Fixed spider physics view direction setting bug     - Added RotateSoundThreshold to ONSWeapon to allow mod authors control over when RotateSound is played     - Moved BaseMutator.ModifyLogin() to the beginning of GameInfo.Login().     - Fix for UParticleEmitter::UpdateParticles crash in SkeletalMeshGet     IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING UNREALED and Windows 98     If you plan on using UnrealED with Windows 98, you will need to download an install the MSVCP60.DLL library. This file can be found at the following url:     http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcp60

    Without that file, the editor will not run.

UT2004 Editor's Choice Edition Bonus Pack

Epic hat das Editor’s Choice Edition Bonus Pack zum Download bereitgestellt. Es beinhaltet 6 neue Charaktere, 3 neue Fahrzeuge für den Onslaught Modus und 4 neue Onslaught Maps. Wer das Bonus Pack benutzen will, muss mindestens die Version 3323 von UT2004 haben. Beides, den Patch und das Bonuspack bieten wir zum Download auf lokalem Mirror an.


UTComp 1.4a released

Die UTComp Entwickler haben eine bugbereinigte 1.44er Version des beliebten Mutators zum Download bereitgestellt. Natürlich gibts auch den lokalen mywoh.de Mirror.


[*]Fixed 100a/50a pickup stats not accumulating
[*]Fixed issues with UTV2004S4
[*]Fixed hitting advanced options in gametype voting menu re-selecting the first map in the map list